Premenstrual Syndrome Symptoms, Signs & Yoga for PMS

Many people search for PMS full form. The term stands for a premenstrual syndrome which is typical of women of childbearing age. It contains a set of symptoms, both physical and psychological, which are always manifested in the days preceding menstruation and are resolved upon its arrival. PMS meaning needs to be understood to attain relief from it. The detailed information is a mini guide for PMS signs and symptoms, PMS problems, and yoga for PMS.

PMS Symptoms

PMS symptoms include disorders in the days near the menstrual cycle. The premenstrual syndrome, in fact, contains a broad set of symptoms, of a physical and psychological nature, which are always manifested in the days preceding menstruation and is resolved upon its arrival. It is, therefore, a syndrome typical of women of childbearing age.

The causes can be multiple:

    • During the menstrual cycle, levels of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone rise and fall. It is thought that hormonal changes are the most common cause of PMS. The fact that premenstrual syndrome conditions improve during pregnancy and after menopause when hormone levels are stable. PMS treatment is possible using hormones.
    • Certain chemicals in the brain, such as serotonin, fluctuate during the menstrual cycle. The serotonin regulates mood, so it is possible that women with low levels of serotonin are particularly sensitive to the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Low levels of serotonin can also contribute to symptoms such as:

    • Fatigue
    • Hunger
    • Insomnia (difficulty sleeping)

PMS Signs

The subject most at risk are not the girls in the first menstrual cycle, but women in middle age, with the presence of a painful and usually prolonged period. There are many PMS signs. Few of them are listed below:

Physical signs of premenstrual syndrome

    • Water retention and feeling of swelling
    • Pain in the abdomen
    • Headache
    • Changes in the skin and hair
    • Backache
    • Muscle and joint pains
    • Breast tenderness
    • Insomnia
    • Dizziness
    • Fatigue
    • Nausea
    • Weight gain

Psychological signs of premenstrual syndrome

    • Mood changes
    • Being emotional all the time
    • Feeling of irritability
    • Depression
    • Sadness
    • Anxiety
    • Difficulty concentrating
    • Confusion and oblivion
    • Restlessness
    • Decrease in self-esteem

Behavioral signs of premenstrual syndrome

      • Loss of interest in sex
      • Changes in appetite
      • Worsening of any chronic diseases (long term), such as asthma or migraine

Yoga for PMS Relief

Women with premenstrual syndrome may relieve their pain and mood swing. Usually, the main symptoms of PMS condition appears at the time of menses. An easy way to eradicate them is with the help of yoga and some easy in-bed exercises. In this guide, we will discuss some amazing tips about yoga for PMS.

Researchers have found that yoga altered the levels of hormones in the body which could affect a woman’s periods of menstruation. Other studies have already shown that yoga reduces levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, and limits inflammatory responses in the body which would allow women to tolerate pain better.

How to perform yoga for PMS? We discuss below:


yoga for pms - Sukhasana

To anchor yourself at the moment and stabilize your breathing, sit cross-legged (or in lotus, padmasana). Sit upright, put your hands, palms up, on your legs, look at a fixed point and focus on your inspirations and expirations. This will allow you to focus your mind on the next asanas.


yoga for pms - Marjariasana

Rest your weight on the palms of your hands, knees, and feet. When inhaling, push your stomach towards the ground and raise your head. When exhaling, bend your back to the sky and roll up the head. This posture relaxes the spine.


yoga for pms - Balasana

Tuck in your legs and, while joining the big toes move your hands forward and lay your forehead against the floor. Inhale and exhale at your own pace. This position stretches the back and allows to relax. For more comfort, you can place one or more cushions under your chest and your head.

Supta Virasana

yoga for pms - Supta-Virasana

Kneel on the floor, resting on the top of your feet and knees. Sit between your feet. If the position is uncomfortable, put a block or blanket under your buttocks. Put your hands behind you and lean back slowly until you reach your elbows if you feel fit. You can put cushions under your back to support you.

Janu Sirsasana

yoga for pms - Janu-Sirsasana

Stretch one leg and bend the other by placing your foot against the inside of the thigh. Lean on your outstretched leg while keeping your back flat. This posture relieves pain in the abdomen. Feel free to add a cushion on your leg to support your bust and do not overdo it.


yoga for pms - Paschimottanasana

Extend your legs in front of you and lean towards them keeping your back flat. Here too, you can add a cushion between your legs and your bust to go smoothly. Stay in the position by inhaling and exhaling deeply. This position also stretches the spine and relieves the abdominal, as well as intestinal disorders.

Supta Baddha Konasana

yoga for pms - Supta-Baddha-Konasana

Lie on your back with your legs bent and your feet together. You can place a cushion under your head, back and knees to support them. The goal is not to force. This posture opens the pelvis, relaxes the abdomen, the pelvic floor, and the inner thighs.

Ananda Balasana

yoga for pms - Ananda-Balasana

Lie on your back, bring your knees to your chest, then open your legs by grabbing the outside of your feet. Your back should stay straight. Swing gently from left to right to massage your back. This pose relieves pain in the lower back, fatigue, stress, and anxiety and considered the best yoga for PMS.

Jathara Parivartanasana

yoga for pms - Jathara-Parivartanasana

Lie on your back with your arms spread out on your sides. Join your knees and bend your legs. Let them go down to the left and look to the right. After a few breaths, reverse. This posture stretches the back. For extra softness, place a cushion under your head and where your knees will rest.


yoga for pms - Savasana

In order to end the practice, lie on your back with your legs spread across the width of the mattress and your arms around your body, palms facing the sky. Slip a cushion under your head and knees if you wish. Close your eyes and relax for five minutes. Release all parts of your body, from your feet to your eyebrows. Inhale and exhale slowly.

There are many health problems revolves around females. The best way for being fit and healthy is to eat fresh veggies, juices, fruits, and exercise daily.
