10 Easy In-Bed Exercises that can keep you Fit & Toned

We know how attached we are to the bed in the morning but at the same time, how important it is to look fit and appealing. So here is a solution to your problem, with the below 10 in-bed exercises to keep your body toned and fit, yet gives you some time to relax in your bed.

Jack Spilt

in bed exercise jack split

Lie down on the bed with your arms and legs outstretched. Now stretch your hands behind your head and interlock your fingers. Inhale and then swing your hands as you exhale and push your upper body off the bed and simultaneously lift your leg in a V shape. Now bring the stretched hand through the V shape of your leg. Slowly inhale and lie back to your original position. Repeat this 15 times. Take a break after every 15 reps. This completes a set. This in-bed exercise will affect your upper and lower abs, chest, and quadriceps (thigh muscles)

Scissor Legs

in bed exercise Scissor LegsThis is one of the simplest yet most effective in-bed exercises. For this exercise, you have to keep your hands under your hips with your palms facing the bed. Once you are considered in a relaxed posting, join your legs as your ankle meets. Raise your leg perpendicular to the bed with your toe pointing to the ceiling. Now exhale as you lower the right leg at a controlled speed. Don’t let your leg touch the bed. Now bring back the leg to the initial position. Repeat the same procedure with the left leg. Repeat this 15 times. This exercise affects and tones the lower legs.

Forearm Plank

in-bed exercise foream plank

This exercise is considered as a basic exercise to all the other plank exercises. For this exercise place your forearms shoulder-width apart and palms facing the bed. Place your legs as wide as your hips. Make sure your head and heel position is in a straight line and your weight evenly distributed. Inhale and exhale taking long deep breaths and holding the position for 30 secs. Repeat this time for 2 sets. This in-bed exercise makes your core, quads, chest, and back strong and toned.

Dolphin Plank

in-bed exercise Dolphin plank

These in-bed exercises are considered innovations to the normal boring planks. For this exercise place your forearm in the plank position with your palms facing downwards. Your feet should be locked stiff. Now slowly lift up your hips and stay for 3-5 secs and then slowly come back to the initial position. Repeat this 5 times and take a break after each set. Do 3 sets a day for toned and strong forearms, abs, and oblique muscles.

Roll – up

in-bed exercise roll up

It can be performed by any age group. For this exercise lie facing the ceiling and stretch your arms above your head. Now inhale and then slowly by releasing the breath pull up your arms and bend your body to form a U shape. Stretch till you reach the toe. Repeat this 15 times in a set of 3 with a 5 to 10 mins gap. Such in-bed exercises increase your flexibility and strengthen your abs and lower back.

Side Kick

in-bed exercise side kick

This in-bed exercise helps to relieve sore backs, lessen belly fat, and tone your leg muscles. For this exercise, lie down and spread your arms so that your arms lie in a straight line. Bend your legs from the knee and then twist them aside. Hold it for a second. Then twist it to another side. This completes one rep. Repeat this 15 times to complete one set.

Hip Bridge

in-bed exercise hip bridgeFor this in-bed exercise lay in a relaxed position with your palms facing up and arms laying parallel to the body. Fold your legs such that your heels are a few inches away from your hips. Push your lower abdomen up with the support of your heels such that your body is in a sloping position, creating a right-angle triangle. Hold the position for 2-3 secs and then come back to the initial position. Repeat the rep 15 times. This is one of the in-bed exercises that increase your endurance and inner thigh muscles get strengthened.

Body Kick

in-bed exercise body kick

This in-bed exercise is very easy and is a great workout for your leg, core, butt, hips, and thighs. For this exercise lay sidewise and support your head with the hand. Lift your leg, whichever side you are laying sidewise to. Make a V formation with your leg. Hold the position for 5 – 6 secs. Repeat the circuit 15 – 20 times.

The Peddler

in-bed exercise_the peddler
This in-bed exercise is actually inspired by toddlers. For this exercise lie back and crunch up your legs from your knees m place your hand behind your head and then start moving your legs as of you are peddling an imaginary bicycle. Repeat this 20 to 25 times in 2 sets with an interval of 3-5 mins. Remember to take deep breaths during the exercise. Such in-bed exercises help in toning the leg and thigh muscles.

The  Cobra

in bed exercise cobra

This in-bed exercise is a part of Suryanamaskar.  This exercise helps to reduce spine-related diseases and is a good stretching exercise for the body. This exercise also helps to tone the arm muscles.
For this exercise, lay down inverted with your body and face towards the bed. Place both arms on either side of your head. Then push your body up till your lower abdominal portion is slightly above the bed. Repeat this 15 times to complete one set.
So these were some popular in-bed exercises that will not only help you to remain fit and lose extra flesh around your body but also give you a few moments to relax before you get to your busy schedule for the day.
