Make your relationship healthier through conversation


The timely conversation always acts as nourishment in your relationship. Talking to your partner is a normal thing, but sometimes we make small mistakes that can ruin our relationship. Sometimes it’s our ego, sometimes over expectations, and sometimes we want our partner to begin. It is important to understand your partner’s perspective. Listen, understand and analyze your partner’s feeling that what he wants to say. But sometimes we react so foolishly which can destroy our mood and time. Here, we are discussing six tips that will give us relationship goals and will help us conversing with our partner.

Try to use We instead of  “I”

If you always talk about- what you like, what affects you, where you want to go and so on, you are doing a big mistake. It is to remember that the love is between you two, and so is your relation. So always try to use WE instead of I. Try to look from your partner’s perspective as well, it will surely be a good trick for your married life.

Try to alleviate high tone

Your voice might have high or low tone, but always remember that high tone will only hurt your partner’s feelings. If you tend to have high tone, you should reduce it immediately. The low tone and normal pitch are advisable while talking to your partner.

Listen while talking

While we talk, we say what we know but when we listen, we may listen to something new. A conversation happens between two people and he should also get an equal chance to put his point. Listening to your partner carefully also ensures him that you understand him better.

Respect his feelings

If you want to know everything in one go, you are committing a big mistake. Tell, ask, listen and respect your partner’s feelings. Give time, take time and have importance for your his perception. If you don’t accept or respect his emotions then who will. Giving and taking respect in married life has always been a bliss.

Make eye contact with care

If you avoid eye-contacting with your partner, you need to stop it right away. This habit of yours shows that you do not pay attention to the other half. It can also mean that you are hiding something. Marriage counselors and experts always suggest making eye contact while conversing. It also shows your care for each other.

Don’t Over Expect or Over-React

There are times in life when making over expectations from your partner can destroy your relationship. There is a simple key in married life – Don’t over expect. Be normal and try to understand that your life partner is also a human being. There are certain things that he can do for you and certain he can’t. If he cannot go those extra miles for you, don’t overreact on that and appreciate his efforts and endeavor done for you.

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