Dehydration – Symptoms, Causes and Home Remedies

The process of losing water and essential fluids from the body is called dehydration. It is a condition caused by excessive loss of water from the body. In general, there are three types of dehydration depending on the fluids lost.

Hypotonic Dehydration, Hypertonic Dehydration, and Isotonic Dehydration. In case of loss of electrolytes, one is diseased by Hypotonic Dehydration, loss of water is deemed as Hypertonic Dehydration, loss of both water and electrolytes is known as Isotonic Dehydration. In general cases, it is caused by excessive physical exertion or a scarce amount of consumption of water.  It has many causes and can occur at any time during the year. But during summer, chances of Dehydration effects increase exponentially.

Dehydration Causes

There is a number of possible causes, in normal condition water is lost from the body in the form of regular sweating, breathing, and excreting waste. Our body also loses water at the time of spitting and crying. But the lost fluid is in very acute quantity and it is retrieved in meals. One loses excessive water from the body at the time of physical exertion of any kind. During illness chances of dehydration, effects increase highly. Diarrhea, vomiting, and fever are some of the leading causes.

During any type of disease of the gastrointestinal tract, one is very prone to this condition. Kidney diseases are also a serious cause. The condition of frequent urination caused by uncontrolled diabetes leads to chronic dehydration among old people. A less known dehydration cause burns. Damaged blood vessels cause fluid to leak into surrounding tissues. And thus necessary nutrients and fluids are lost.

Secondary factors which are not linked with any disease include insufficient consumption of water. As per research and reports of a leading medical institute of the world, on average one should consume nearly 2 liters of water daily. Moreover, the water should be consumed at regular intervals and should not be gulped all at once.

Being prone to direct sunlight is a direct dehydration cause. During routine activities there are scenarios when one is very busy, in such conditions, unknowingly a person doesn’t remember to drink water or doesn’t realize he is thirsty. In the condition, when one has a sore throat or if mouth sores, one doesn’t feel like drinking water.

Alcoholism is also a cause known to very few people. When one drinks more alcohol, production of insulin decreases in the body. Resulting in the burning of fat and consequently, the reduction of water level in the body. In the long run, chronic dehydration is caused by alcoholism.

Dehydration Symptoms


The most basic sign showing a lack of water in the body is when one feels thirsty. It is caused by dry throat and mouth. But in different age groups, these basic signs and symptoms change. For instance, old people do not have the general symptom, they don’t feel thirsty until they are already thirsty.

Dehydration causes in an infant or young child include dry mouth and throat. There are no tears when crying. No wet diapers for a period of three or more hours.  In Infants, dehydration can also be seen visually. Sunken eyes, cheeks and sunken soft spots on top of the skull are visible in a young child. They get irritated and cry over and over.

In adults, extreme thirst can be felt. Mouth and throat feel dry and soreness is felt. One feels enervated and sleepy. The easiest way to extrapolate dehydration is decreased urine output and dark yellow colored urine. Headache is another most common symptom during this duration.

When a person is severely dehydrated, dizziness and unconscious shocks can be felt. One cannot consciously walk or do physical activities. At instances, dry skin can also help one in knowing dehydration effects. Blood Pressure reduces drastically. In mid-aged people and old people, increase in heart rate is a severe dehydration symptom.  Fever is the basic and common symptom of any disease. Similarly, for dehydration too, fever is a symptom.

In Chronic conditions, seizures and shocks are dehydration symptoms. Breathing difficulty is also a symptom which is not known to many people.  Lack of water in the body also causes problems in breathing. Chest or abdominal pain or both can be felt to adults. When blooded or black stool happens, one should be alerted regarding water level in the body.  Disoriented sleep cycle and irritating nature is a common symptom of water insufficiency in the body, among people of all age groups. 

Home Remedies

The basic response to dehydration effects lies in response to stimuli, drinking and consuming fluids is the best remedy and treatment to these effects.


    • Apart from water one should focus on lemonade, juices, and liquid meals. Various necessary nutrients required for the body are available in citrus fruits. We Should focus on fruits like oranges and pineapples.
    • One should drink a liquid containing electrolyte/ carbohydrate.
    • Should consume ice chips and popsicles made from juices and sports drinks. As an immediate action one should stop doing physical exertion and should be in a place away from direct sunlight.
    • Should use a spraying bottle or wet clothing to cool the exposed skin surface to reduce and prevent sweating.

One should keep in mind, water to be consumed and to be applied on the skin should not be excessive cold during dehydration treatment. It will only worsen the condition, mild cold water should be used.  In the case of a young child or infant, give him small teaspoons of water to start with. Keep oneself Hydrated during exertion, this is the best Dehydration Treatment. The best dehydration treatment is to have a diet consisting of fruits should be made. Hydrating foods like coconut water or coconut milk, celery, watermelon, cucumber, kiwi, and dairy products should be consumed as much as possible. Apart from keeping hydrated, it will also keep one healthy in regular life.  Homemade vegetable juices, herbal teas should be consumed. Hot water with fresh herbs or squeezed lemon should be consumed every morning. One should prevent consuming too much caffeine and alcohol for a better healthy life.
